On an average, the cost to insure Dodge Challenger cars works out to be around $ 1,692 yearly. This in turn means $ 141 per month which is quite affordable by any standards for car owners. However, dodge challenger insurance for 16 year old drivers could be significantly more than the average cost because of the coverage risks that insurers face. If you break down the insurance costs by coverage levels and models, you may discover that the expenses are not that substantial. On detailed analysis, you may find that the cost of comprehensive car coverage is in the range $260 to $ 404 per year, the collision coverage cost could be in the range $ 400 - $ 688 for a yearly time period.
At the same time, liability coverage for Dodge Challenger vehicles may about $ 420 to $ 520 for a year’s time frame. Accordingly, the price rates for insuring a Dodge Challenger 2020 model works out to be $ 1,692 for a year. And you could be aware that insurance costs for cars start reducing with passing time as car values start depreciating fast. It only implies that older versions of Dodge Challengers will cost substantially less to insure as newer and latest models. But still, the overall cost of dodge challenger insurance for 17 year old or less drivers’ cost is going to be high as compared to any other age category of drivers on account of the increased substantially risks of providing car coverage.
Year | 16-19 yr old | 20-29 yr old | 30-39 yr old | 40-49 yr old | 50-59 yr old | 60+ yr old |
2023 | $1,690.87 / mo | $288.71 / mo | $289.74 / mo | $194.87 / mo | $322.23 / mo | $263.76 / mo |
2022 | $394.28 / mo | $290.23 / mo | $184.91 / mo | $179.70 / mo | $235.88 / mo | $244.87 / mo |
2021 | $476.11 / mo | $281.70 / mo | $197.09 / mo | $179.51 / mo | $170.67 / mo | $158.83 / mo |
2020 | $499.19 / mo | $277.10 / mo | $195.66 / mo | $183.27 / mo | $171.54 / mo | $225.42 / mo |
2019 | $431.35 / mo | $281.42 / mo | $219.46 / mo | $185.96 / mo | $175.22 / mo | $168.90 / mo |
2018 | $414.25 / mo | $269.61 / mo | $198.52 / mo | $180.67 / mo | $172.65 / mo | $180.77 / mo |
2017 | $394.87 / mo | $246.69 / mo | $174.23 / mo | $152.48 / mo | $179.48 / mo | $158.62 / mo |
2016 | $379.14 / mo | $245.91 / mo | $176.26 / mo | $168.75 / mo | $145.86 / mo | $145.64 / mo |
2015 | $360.89 / mo | $235.16 / mo | $158.42 / mo | $143.86 / mo | $132.70 / mo | $132.71 / mo |
2014 | $360.62 / mo | $238.47 / mo | $156.34 / mo | $160.30 / mo | $128.02 / mo | $122.27 / mo |
2013 | $347.78 / mo | $220.65 / mo | $162.74 / mo | $153.23 / mo | $130.47 / mo | $142.93 / mo |
2012 | $386.47 / mo | $211.88 / mo | $147.35 / mo | $130.81 / mo | $131.26 / mo | $132.73 / mo |
2011 | $373.57 / mo | $226.20 / mo | $136.97 / mo | $120.87 / mo | $117.31 / mo | $112.75 / mo |
2010 | $304.17 / mo | $189.23 / mo | $124.25 / mo | $115.82 / mo | $116.03 / mo | $120.04 / mo |
Most of the auto insurance companies charge significantly more for providing car coverage to young or new drivers in the age group 16 to 25 years. This is primarily because the fact that driver in these age categories has less driving experience. Studies indicate that an average, the yearly premium cost of dodge challenger insurance for 21 year old drivers is about $2,589. Drivers less than 21 can expect to pay more and those over 21 will be paying much lesser. However, young teen drivers always have the chance to stay on their parents’ policies and save money. But one decides to buy separate Dodge Challenger policy for less than 25 years old driver then the insurance rates that are provided could be extremely high.
Here is some important information relating to average insurance cost of Dodge Challenger for drivers in the age group 16 to 25 years.
Age | Average Annual Rates |
16 | $6,559 |
17 | $5,810 |
18 | $5,116 |
19 | $3,664 |
20 | $3,270 |
21 | $2,589 |
22 | $2,385 |
23 | $2,182 |
24 | $2,048 |
25 | $1,858 |
40 | $1,567 |
The main differences between premium rates for dodge challenger insurance for 22 year old drivers and those belonging to teen or senior age groups is because of some factors that may have influence on coverage risks. Dodge Challenger cars are designed for high performance but premium rates are calculated by taking into account several factors. These include the below mentioned.
There could be many such parameters which might have bearing on Dodge Challenger vehicles’ insurance premiums. It is vital that you have some idea regarding them before you start exploring your options. Such a move may enable you to save precious dollars during your effort to secure a solution that easily fits your specific driving needs and budget.
To know more about other factors which influence average insurance for dodge challenger rates, fix free consultation with our expert online today!
There may be few additional ways to save money on dodge challenger insurance for 25 year old and above drivers. To that effect, the below mentioned information might be useful in keeping Dodge Challenger insurance costs on the lower side.
While it is understandable that the cost of dodge challenger insurance for 18 year old driver will be much higher than driver belonging to a senior age group, shopping can save money on premium. By obtaining free quote estimates from several different top rated auto insurance companies, you can find out which company may work best for your Dodge Challenger vehicle’s specific coverage needs. Accordingly, you may consider the following factors when comparing your options.
Andy Walker is a content writer for the AtoZ Insurance USA who specializes in the insurance and finance niches. He has been working as a freelance writer from several years, and has experience with a variety of content writing formats. Andy is a highly skilled writer who is able to produce quality content that is both informative and engaging.
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